Awards, Education, & Affiliations
I have been recognized by the Society for Technical Communication and for specific operations while serving in the US Navy.
Battlefield Park Lions Club
- Lion of the Year (2013)
Potomac Appalachian Trail Club
- Honorary Life Member (2010)
Society for Technical Communication
- Distinguished Technical Communication
- Distinguished Chapter Service Award
- Awards of Merit
US Navy
- Joint Service Commendation Medal
- Navy Achievement Medal
- Navy Unit Commendation
- Meritorious Unit Commendation
- Good Conduct Medal
- Navy Expeditionary Medal
- National Defense Medal
- Bachelor of Arts in History (Political Science), University of Maryland, University College, College Park, Maryland
- Graduate work in Management of Information Systems (University of Maryland), International Relations (The George Washington University)
- Completed Technical Manual Technology Orientation training by US Naval Sea Data Support Activity
- Completed training in telecommunications operations (Cryptologic Technician “O”)
- Completed Basic Russian language training at Defense Language Institute
- Completed Intermediate Russian language training at National Cryptologic School
- Completed Advanced Military Cryptologic Supervisor’s Course (CY-200) at National Cryptologic School

Society for Technical Communication (1999 – 2009)
James River Chapter
- Director, Technical Communications Competitions
- Director, Regional Technical Communications Conference
- Newsletter editor
- Vice President
- President
Contracting & Independent Consulting Special Interest Group
- Secretary
- IEEE Richmond Section
- Professional Communications Society
U.S. Naval Cryptologic Veteran’s Association
- Director
- Web Designer
- Webmaster
Potomac Appalachian Trail Club
- President
- Chair, Public Affairs Committee
- Supervisor of Trails
- Trail Crew Leader
- Appalachian Trail District Manager
- Honorary Life Member
Lions Club International; Richmond Battlefield Park Lions Club
- Director, Peace Poster Contest (Middle School participants)
- One-Year Director
- Webmaster